Total neutron scattering data were collected on sputtered YFe2 at 298 K and TbFez at 423 K with a wavelength of 0"7 A. The TbFe2 data were collected above the magnetic ordering temperature of 383 K. In addition, the elastic neutron scattering of TbFe2 was measured with the use of a pyrolytic graphite analyzer at a wavelength of 1.5/~, and its total X-ray scattering was measured with Mo radiation and a silicon-lithium drifted detector. Experimental radial distribution functions, with statistical error limits, were calculated. Errors due to an incorrect background, scaling of the data and termination effects were minimized. The scale and shape of the experimental background and the coordination numbers, internuclear distances and disorder parameters, for the first six coordination spheres, have been determined. The contribution of paramagnetic inelastic scattering from TbFe2 to the total neutron scattering is quite appreciable. The shape of the background scattering, which goes through a maximum, is indicative of residual coherence and suggests shortrange magnetic ordering where neighboring atom spins are aligned. These effects are not observed in YFe2, nor in the elastic TbFe2 data. The metallic glasses have a structural topology which is quite different from that found in their crystalline analogues. The transition-metal substructure, consisting of corner-sharing tetrahedra, is the only aspect of the crystalline topology preserved in the amorphous phase. The structural parameters suggest a tendency of the rare-earth atoms to cluster, thereby decreasing the number of Fe nearest neighbors relative to the crystalline structure.