The article focuses on issues related to competence management in the work environment of people from the youngest generational groups, referred to as Y and Z. The area of interest of the research presented in this article is a specific area of the labor market called the Modern Business Services (MBS) sector. The peculiarity of this service sector lies primarily in the fact that it is largely an industry of the future, and therefore it employs mostly young people from the so-called Generation Y and Z. It is also one of the sectors that is growing very rapidly and, as a result, employment in this sector is growing rapidly, which indicates, on the one hand, a growing market demand for this type of service and, on the other hand, a great interest in working in this sector among young people entering the labor market. The issue of competency management in such a specific work environment raises questions about the compatibility of current education systems with the needs of rapidly growing modern industries, which includes the MBS sector. Hence, the research presented in this article, aimed at showing possible educational and competence gaps resulting from the mismatch between education systems and the needs of the developing new industries, and, at the same time, showing the needs of MBS in terms of shaping specific competencies of the future, including soft competencies increasingly valued by employers.