Chemical precipitation-dissolution and cation exchange subroutines were interfaced with an existing water movement-salt transport model. Three model options available for testing the prediction of salt transport and storage were (i) individual ion transport without soil interaction, (ii) precipitation and dissolution of lime and gypsum during transport, and (iii) cation exchange in addition to the precipitation-dissolution reactions. The transport model also predicts relative crop growth and water uptake as affected by soil moisture and salinity. The chemical subroutine used by the second and third options calculated ionic activities, corrected for ionic strength and ion pair formation, and was used to calculate lime and gypsum precipitation and dissolution. Cation activities were also used to calculate Ca, Mg, Na, and K exchange equilibria by a method that allows for addition of any number of exchangeable cations. Values predicted by the three options for EC, SAR and Ca, Mg, Na, A, Cl, SO. and HC04, concentrations were compared to experimental data obtained from a lysimeter study and were only satisfactorily predicted when both chemical precipitations and cation exchange were considered for a gypsiferous and a nongypsiferons soil irrigated with a high, medium, and low CaSO, water at two leaching fractions. S MOVEMENT AND STORAGE SIMULATION in soils is at least a two-step process. First, transient water flow coupled with soluble salt transport must be considered, followed by calculation of slightly soluble salt dissolution and precipitation. If the irrigation water quality or quantity applied is variable, or if steadystate exchange has not been established, reasonable salt transport and storage prediction with depth and time also requires cation exchange consideration (Jury and Pratt, 1980). Several investigators. have developed models that include several of these processes, but to date a transient water flow model that includes soil water-soil salinity-plant-atmospheric interactions has not been coupled to a mechanistic soil chemistry and cation exchange description.Chemical models using CO2, CO3, HCO3, Ca, and pH interactions to calculate lime precipitation or dissolution (Lanelier, 1936) and its effects on the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) have been developed (Bower et al., 1968;Pratt and Bair, 1969). Gypsum models (Dutt et al., 1972b;Tanji, 1969) to predict solution composition and concentration effects on CaSO4 solubility. A detailed description of Ca-SO4-HCO3-0133 interactions in solution is given by Nakayama (1969) and provides an invaluable overview of the combined lime and gypsum interactions in soil-water systems.Oster and Rhoades (1975) predicted irrigation drainage water chemical composition for long-term irrigation management with a steady-state chemistry and water flow model that assumes the presence of lime and gypsum.-Using a plate model for water flow and assuming that leaching takes place at field capacity, Tanji et al. (1972) simulated t...