In the present work the peculiarities of ion implantation and colliding particles mass ratio influence on the ranges, energy loss and profiles of distribution for 1−5 keV P+ ions channelling in Si(110) and SiC(110) at normal incidence, and 1 keV Be+ and Se+ ions in GaAs(100), as well as 5 keV Ar+ and Kr+ on Cu(001) surface at glancing incidence are carried out by computer simulation in binary collision approximation. It is shown that for paraxial part of a beam the main contribution to the total energy loss comes from inelastic ones. It has been established that the energy loss of ions transmitted through thin crystal and depth profile distributions depend on width of the channel and mass ratio of colliding atoms. It was shown that at grazing surface channeling conditions the main peak of the implanted depth distributions is considerably shallow, the range for Se+ ions is shallower and the half-width of profile for these ions is narrow than that for Be+ ions. The results allow one to select the optimum for implanted depth distributions with demanded shape at narrow near-surface area of crystals obtaining.