We have considered a classical spin system, consisting of 3-component unit vectors, associated with a two-dimensional lattice {u k , k ∈ Z 2 }, and interacting via a translationally invariant pair potential, of the long-range ferromagnetic form, anisotropic in spin spacehere a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, σ > 2, is a positive constant setting energy and temperature scales (i.e. T * = k B T / ), x j denotes dimensionless coordinates of lattice sites, and u j,α cartesian spin components; our discussion has been specialized to the extreme, O(2)symmetric, case 0 = a < b. When 2 < σ < 4, the potential model can be proven to support an ordering transition taking place at finite temperature; on the other hand, when σ ≥ 4 a Berezinskiǐ-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition takes place. Two potential models defined by σ = 3 and σ = 4, respectively, have been characterized quantitatively by Monte Carlo simulation. For σ = 3, comparison is also reported with other theoretical treatments, such as Molecular Field and Two Site Cluster approximations.PACS number(s): 05.50, 75.10 *