Realistic single-neuron modeling organizes and clarifies physiological hypotheses. It extends the experimenter's intuition and leads to testable predictions . A powerful new algorithm, several user friendly software packages and the advent offast, cheap computers have together made this tool accessible to a broad range of neurobiologists . Equally dramatic advances in experimental findings have increased the level of sophistication of the models . Here we provide a guide to singleneuron modeling, illustrate its power with a few examples and speculate on possible future directions for this rapidly growing field.Key words : computer model / compartmental model / cable model / channel kinetics ALL NEUROPHYSIOLOGISTS are modelers . They may explain the bursting behavior of a neuron in terms of voltage-sensitive calcium currents and a calcium-activated potassium conductance . They may conclude from a complex spike waveform that the cell has excitable dendrites . They may choose to voltage-clamp the cell body to study synaptic currents. Behind each of their experimental designs and interpretations of results lies an implicit hypothesis, a model, of how the neuron works .Here we describe a tool with which these mental models can be transformed into precise and explicit computer simulations . This transformation is in itself a valuable exercise, because it requires a complete list of the relevant biophysical parameters . Compiling this list may immediately reveal important gaps in knowledge . Of far greater value, however, is the expansion of intuition that comes with running many simulations over wide ranges of parameter values .Realistic models at the single-neuron level are primarily concerned with local changes in membrane current and voltage, caused by such things as synaptic input and voltage-sensitive conductances, and with the propagation of these local changes over spatially extensive dendrites and axons . With recent What follows is not a comprehensive review of the subject but rather an overview for the uninitiated . We begin with some intuitive explanations of the biophysical processes being simulated and a guide to the latest simulation software. We then describe a few illustrative models, taken largely from our own work, and conclude with speculations on the future directions of this rapidly growing field .
A guide to realistic single-neuron modelsModeling membrane mechanisms Biophysical processes that cause local changes in membrane potential, such as synaptic activation and voltage sensitive conductances, are most easily modeled in a patch of membrane that is spatially isopotential . This is an appropriate model for preparations such as the space-clamped squid axons or neurons that lack dendrites . 2 Such models are best understood in terms of a parallel conductance circuit (Figure 1) . The capacitor represents the electrical capacitance of the membrane, the batteries represent the reversal potentials of the various ionic channels in the membrane and the resistors symbolize the conductances of those chan...