IntroductionIntravascular Ultrasound Images (IVUS) are a wellknown imaging technique for direct visualization of coronary arteries.However, visual evaluation and characterization of plaque require integration of complex information and suffer from substantial variability depending on the observer. This fact explains the difficulties of manual segmentation prone to high subjectivity in final results. Automatic segmentation will save time to physicians and provide objective vessel measurements. [1] Nowadays, the most common methods to separate the tissue from the lumen are based on gray levels providing non-satisfactory segmentations. This leads to use more complex measures to discriminate lumen and plaque. One of the most wide spread methods in medical imaging for such task is texture analysis. The problem of texture analysis has played a prominent role in computer vision to solve problems of object segmentation and retrieval in numerous applications [2]. This approach, encodes the textural features of our image, and provide a feature space in which a classification based on such primitives is easier to perform.Previous works in segmentation of IVUS images have shown different ways to segment lumen and to classify tissues [3], [4], [5]. However, these approaches usually are semi-automatic, sensitive to image artifacts and quite timeconsuming. In our approach we use Local Binary Patterns [6],which is a fast rotational invariant multi-resolution texture feature extractor based on "uniform" patterns since it is a fundamental property of texture.The classification process is critical step in any image segmentation problem. Recently, arcing and boosting techniques have been applied successfully to different computer vision areas [7]. In this paper we analyze the relevance of boosting techniques, and in particular AdaBoost in Intravascular Ultrasound Image analysis. This process is integrated in an automatic framework for discrimination of lumen and plaque. The method is divided in 3 steps, corresponding to preprocessing step, feature extraction, classification, and higher level organization of data using deformable models. An objective evaluation of the different approaches is made and validated by the physicians in patients with different pathologies and images with different topologies.The paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the Local Binary Pattern features; section 3 introduces the AdaBoost procedure for feature selection and classification assembling of "weak" classifiers; section 4 presents a concise description of snakes; section 5 shows the results of the methods and section 6 discuss the future lines.
Local Binary Patterns for feature extractionLocal Binary Patterns is a feature extraction operator used for detecting "uniform" local binary patterns at circular neighborhoods of any quantization of the angular space and at any spatial resolution. The operator is derived based on a circularly symmetric neighbor set of P members on a circle of radius R. The operator is denoted by LBP riu2 ...