The efficient management of diseases, pests, or endangered species is an important global issue faced by agencies constrained by limited resources. The management challenge is even greater when organisms are difficult to detect. We show how to prioritize management and survey effort across time and space for networks of susceptible-infected-susceptible subpopulations. We present simple and robust rules of thumb for protecting desirable, or eradicating undesirable, subpopulations connected in typical network patterns (motifs). We further demonstrate that these rules can be generalized to larger networks when motifs are combined in more complex formations. Results show that the best location to manage or survey a pest or a disease on a network is also the best location to protect or survey an endangered species. The optimal starting point in a network is the fastest motif to manage, where line, star, island, and cluster motifs range from fast to slow. Managing the most connected node at the right time and maintaining the same management direction provide advantages over previously recommended outside-in strategies. When a species or disease is not detected and our belief in persistence decreases, our results recommend shifting resources toward management or surveillance of the most connected nodes. Our analytic approximation provides guidance on how long we should manage or survey networks for hard-to-detect organisms. Our rules take into account management success, dispersal, economic cost, and imperfect detection and offer managers a practical basis for managing networks relevant to many significant environmental, biosecurity, and human health issues.conservation planning | decision theory | metapopulation | optimization | Markov decision process I nfectious diseases, invasive pests, and other threats to species persistence have profound impacts on human health, agriculture, and biodiversity (1-3). Many threatened or invasive species are difficult to detect and their presence in an area can be uncertain due to the imperfect nature of most detection methods (4, 5). Even large charismatic mammals such as the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) or the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorrhinus sumatrensis) can be surprisingly hard to detect. It is possible that some areas are being managed while the invasive pests, diseases, or threatened species have already disappeared. It is also likely that managers, in the absence of sighting, might stop managing too early and give up too soon on a species or disease (6, 7). Managers need to know when to stop managing or surveying for species in areas of particular interest.At present the epidemiology, ecology, and conservation literature provides little guidance on how to approach such a problem. The problem of how to allocate management and surveillance effort has been studied for a single cryptic population (8-10). For example, Regan et al. (8) determined when to stop monitoring an invasive plant with a long-lived seed bank. Chadès et al. (9) determined when to stop managing ...