This research Was undertaken to determine whether the growth of computer-supported information systems in community mental health centers can be characterized by distinct stages of development. Data collection and analysis were designed to answer the following two questions: 2• Can distinct stages of information system growth be characterized by common profiles of computer-supported applications?• Are there characteristic groups of enabling factors (i.e., organization of data processing activities, management planning and control techniques, and user involvement) consistent among community mental health centers at any given stage of growth?This study draws upon earlier work by Nolan who identified distinct stages which characterize the growth in business organizations. Data for this study were obtained through a two-phase survey. The pre liminary survey identified which communit y mental heal th centers are using computer-supported applications. The second survey collected detailed data about each model component using a stratified random sample of centers using computer-supported information systems.Responses to the preliminary survey showed that seventy-nine per cent of the centers are using computer-supported information systems. In addition, the majority of centers with manual systems have plans to automate within one year. By contrast, a 1974 survey reported that only one-fourth of the centers were using computerized information systems.The number of c~nters using computers has therefore increased dramatically during the last five years.