A synchrony subspace of R n is defined by setting certain components of the vectors equal according to an equivalence relation. Synchrony subspaces invariant under a given set of square matrices form a lattice. Applications of these invariant synchrony subspaces include equitable and almost equitable partitions of the vertices of a graph used in many areas of graph theory, balanced and exo-balanced partitions of coupled cell networks, and coset partitions of Cayley graphs. We study the basic properties of invariant synchrony subspaces and provide many examples of the applications. We also present what we call the split and cir algorithm for finding the lattice of invariant synchrony subspaces. Our theory and algorithm is further generalized for non-square matrices. This leads to the notion of tactical decompositions studied for its application in design theory.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 15A72, 34C14, 34C15, 37C80, 06B23, 90C35, 1 0 0 5 6 0 1 0 7 8 0 0 1 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 of [P (A) | Q] has leading columns in the first three columns. So Col(Q) ⊆ Col(P (A)) = sys(A). Proposition 6.4. Let M = {M 1 , . . . , M m } ⊆ R m×n , A ∈ Π(m), and B ∈ Π(n). Then M l sys(B) ⊆ sys(A) for all l if and only if A ≤ ψ( M 1 P (B) · · · M m P (B) ). Proof. First assume that M l sys(B) ⊆ sys(A) for all l. Then Col(M l P (B)) = M l Col(P (B)) ⊆ Col(P (A))for all l. Proposition 6.1 (3) and (1) implyNow assume that A ≤ ψ( M 1 P (B) · · · M m P (B) ). Then A ≤ ψ(M l P (B)) by Proposition 6.1(2). Hence Col(M l P (B)) ⊆ sys(A) by Lemma 6.2.The following result is the special case of Proposition 6.4 when m = n and B = A.
Coarsest invariant refinementIn this section we develop an algorithm that finds the coarsest invariant partition that is not larger than a given partition.Proposition 7.1. If M ⊆ R n×n and A ∈ Π(n), then (Π M (n)∩ ↓ A) is in Π M (n).Proof. Note that the down-set ↓ A is taken in Π(n). Proposition 3.5 implies thatThe following is a generalization of [49, Theorem 5]. It is a recursive process for finding cir M (A), so we refer to it as the cir algorithm. Proposition 7.3. Let M = {M 1 , . . . , M m } ⊆ R n×n . Given a partition A 0 := A ∈ Π(n), recursively define A k+1 := ψ( P (A k ) Q k ), where Q k := M 1 P (A k ) · · · M m P (A k ) .There is a k 0 such that A k = cir M (A) for all k ≥ k 0 .