[1] The effects of nondipolar magnetic field configuration and the feedback of a self-consistently computed magnetic field on ring current dynamics are investigated during a double-dip storm with minima SYM-H = −90 nT at ∼2000 UT, 20 November, and SYM-H = −127 nT at ∼1000 UT, 21 November 2002. We use our kinetic ring current-atmosphere interactions model with self-consistent magnetic field (RAM-SCB) to study the redistribution of plasma in the inner magnetosphere after its fresh injection from the plasma sheet. The kinetic model is fully extended to nondipolar magnetic (B) field geometry and two-way coupled with an Euler-potential-based equilibrium model that calculates self-consistently the three-dimensional magnetic field in force balance with the anisotropic ring current distributions. The ring current source population is inferred from LANL geosynchronous satellite data; a superdense plasma sheet observed during the second storm main phase contributes significantly to ring current buildup. We find that the bounce-averaged velocities increase while the bounce-averaged geocoronal hydrogen densities decrease on the nightside when a nondipolar B field is used. A depression of the ring current fluxes and a confinement of the ring current close to Earth are thus observed on the nightside as geomagnetic activity increases. In contrast to the dipolar case, the proton anisotropy increases considerably in the postnoon sector, and the nondipolar simulations predict the excitation of intense EMIC waves at large L shells. The total ring current energy and |Dst| index calculated with the self-consistent B field are in best agreement with observations, being smaller compared to the dipolar calculations but larger than the empirical B field predictions.Citation: Jordanova, V. K., S. Zaharia, and D. T. Welling (2010), Comparative study of ring current development using empirical, dipolar, and self-consistent magnetic field simulations,