A palindromic substring T [i..j] of a string T is said to be a shortest unique palindromic substring (SUPS) in T for an interval [p, q] if T [i..j] is a shortest one such that T [i..j] occurs only once in T , and [i, j] contains [p, q]. The SUPS problem is, given a string T of length n, to construct a data structure that can compute all the SUPSs for any given query interval. It is known that any SUPS query can be answered in O(α) time after O(n)-time preprocessing, where α is the number of SUPSs to output [Inoue et al., 2018]. In this paper, we first show that α is at most 4, and the upper bound is tight.We also show that the total sum of lengths of minimal unique substrings of string T , which is strongly related to SUPSs, is O(n). Then, we present the first O(n)-bits data structures that can answer any SUPS query in constant time. Also, we present an algorithm to solve the SUPS problem for a sliding window that can answer any query in O(log log W ) time and update data structures in amortized O(log σ) time, where W is the size of the window, and σ is the alphabet size. Furthermore, we consider the SUPS problem in the after-edit model and present an efficient algorithm. Namely, we present an algorithm that uses O(n) time for preprocessing and answers any k SUPS queries Data structures for computing unique palindromes in (non-)static strings in O(log n log log n + k log log n) time after single character substitution. Finally, as a by-product, we propose a fully-dynamic data structure for range minimum queries (RmQs) with a constraint where the width of each query range is limited to poly-logarithmic. The constrained RmQ data structure can answer such a query in constant time and support a single-element edit operation in amortized constant time.