It is expensive to compute residual diffusivity in chaotic incompressible flows by solving advection-diffusion equation due to the formation of sharp internal layers in the advection dominated regime. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a classical method to construct a small number of adaptive orthogonal basis vectors for low cost computation based on snapshots of fully resolved solutions at a particular molecular diffusivity D * 0 . The quality of POD basis deteriorates if it is applied to D0 D * 0 . To improve POD, we adapt a super-resolution generative adversarial deep neural network (SRGAN) to train a nonlinear mapping based on snapshot data at two values of D * 0 . The mapping models the sharpening effect on internal layers as D0 becomes smaller. We show through numerical experiments that after applying such a mapping to snapshots, the prediction accuracy of residual diffusivity improves considerably that of the standard POD. Keywords: Advection dominated diffusion· residual diffusivity· adaptive basis learning· super-resolution deep neural networks.where T is a scalar function (e.g. temperature or concentration), D 0 > 0 is a constant (the so called molecular diffusivity), v (x, t) is a prescribed incompressible velocity field, D and ∆ are the spatial gradient and Laplacian operators.When the flow is steady, periodic and two dimensional, precise asymptotics of D E are known. A prototypical example is the steady cellular flow [4,5], v = (−H y , H x ), H = sin x sin y, see also [13,19,20] for its application in effective speeds of front propagation. The asymptotics of the effective diffusion along any unit direction in the cellular flow obeys the square root law in the arXiv:1910.00403v1 [physics.comp-ph]