This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy under precommitment in a state-dependent pricing (SDP) environment. Under SDP, monopolistically competitive …rms are allowed to endogenously change the timing of price adjustments. I show that this endogenous timing of price adjustment alters the tradeo¤ and the cost of in ‡ation variation faced by the monetary authority in comparison to the standard time-dependent pricing (TDP) assumption. In particular, it is desirable to let in ‡ation vary more under SDP. Despite the change in the policy tradeo¤, however, the optimal response under SDP to either a productivity or a government purchase shock under the timeless perspective (long-run) policy can still be characterized as an approximate price stability rule. Additionally, this paper studies the optimal policy start-up problem related to the cost of adopting the timeless perspective policy instead of the true Ramsey policy. The SDP assumption leads to di¤erent start-up dynamics compared to the dynamics under the TDP assumption in several important ways. In particular, the change in the policy tradeo¤ gives rise to much higher start-up in ‡ation under SDP. JEL Classi…cation: E31, E52, E61