Let (X, · X ) and (Y, · Y ) be Banach spaces over R, with X uniformly convex and compactly embedded into Y. The inverse iteration method is applied to solve the abstract eigenvalue problemKeywords: Eigenvalue problems, inverse iteration, quasilinear elliptic equations.with the equality occurring whenever u = tv, for some t ≥ 0;(AB) for each w ∈ Y \ {0} given, there exists at least one u ∈ X \ {0} such thatWe observe from (A1) and (B1) that (1) is homogeneous, that is: if (λ, w) solves (1) the same holds true for (λ, tw) , for all t = 0. Motivated by this intrinsic property of eigenvalue problems, we say that λ is an eigenvalue of (1) and that w is an eigenvector of (1) corresponding to λ or, for shortness, we simply say that (λ, w) is an eigenpair of (1).Hypotheses (A2) and (B2) imply, respectively, that