The notion of permutative representation is generalized to the 2-adic ring C * -algebra Q 2 . Permutative representations of Q 2 are then investigated with a particular focus on the inclusion of the Cuntz algebra O 2 ⊂ Q 2 . Notably, every permutative representation of O 2 is shown to extend automatically to a permutative representation of Q 2 provided that an extension whatever exists. Moreover, all permutative extensions of a given representation of O 2 are proved to be unitarily equivalent to one another. Irreducible permutative representations of Q 2 are classified in terms of irreducible permutative representations of the Cuntz algebra. Apart from the canonical representation of Q 2 , every irreducible representation of Q 2 is the unique extension of an irreducible permutative representation of O 2 . Furthermore, a permutative representation of Q 2 will decompose into a direct sum of irreducible permutative subrepresentations if and only if it restricts to O 2 as a regular representation in the sense of Bratteli-Jorgensen. As a result, a vast class of pure states of O 2 is shown to enjoy the unique pure extension property with respect to the inclusion O 2 ⊂ Q 2 .