Sledgehammer is a component of the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant that integrates external automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge interactive proof obligations. As a safeguard against bugs, the proofs found by the external provers are reconstructed in Isabelle. Reconstructing complex arguments involves translating them to Isabelle's Isar format, supplying suitable justifications for each step. Sledgehammer transforms the proofs by contradiction into direct proofs; it iteratively tests and compresses the output, resulting in simpler and faster proofs; and it supports a wide range of ATPs, including E, LEO-II, Satallax, SPASS, Vampire, veriT, Waldmeister, and Z3. Keywords Automatic theorem provers • Proof assistants • Natural deduction 1 Introduction Sledgehammer [12,62] is a proof tool that connects the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant [53,54] with external automatic theorem provers (ATPs), including first-order superposition provers, higher-order provers, and solvers based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). Given an interactive proof goal, it heuristically selects hundreds of facts (lemmas, definitions, and axioms) from Isabelle's vast libraries, translates them to the external provers' logics, and invokes the provers in parallel (Section 2).