We give a modular algorithm to perform row reduction of a matrix of Ore polynomials with coefficients in Z [t]. Both the transformation matrix and the transformed matrix are computed. The algorithm can be used for finding the rank and left nullspace of such matrices. In the special case of shift polynomials, we obtain algorithms for computing a weak Popov form and for computing a greatest common right divisor (GCRD) and a least common left multiple (LCLM) of matrices of shift polynomials. Our algorithms improve on existing fraction-free algorithms and can be viewed as generalizations of the work of Li and Nemes on GCRDs and LCLMs of Ore polynomials. We define lucky homomorphisms, determine the appropriate normalization, as well as bound the number of homomorphic images required. Our algorithm is output-sensitive, such that the number of homomorphic images required depends on the size of the output. Furthermore, there is no need to verify the result by trial division or multiplication. When our algorithm is used to compute a GCRD and a LCLM of shift polynomials, we obtain a new output-sensitive modular algorithm.