Despite the fact that topological defects are a hallmark
of liquid
crystalline materials, current computational techniques for identifying
topological defects in particle-based simulations of these materialswhich
rest upon Q-tensor theorydo not leverage topological features
of the system. In this work, we describe the topology-accommodating
direction assignment (TADA) algorithm, a novel approach for identifying
disclination cores in liquid crystalline materials, which is sensitive
to topology: this method assigns to each mesogen a unique vector,
thereby extending the concept of the liquid crystal director field
down to the scale of mesogens. In systems containing disclination
cores, TADA identifies line segments along which this assigned vector
field is discontinuous, with cores located at the interior termination
points of these line segments. The mere presence of defects can be
identified by searching far away from them. We validate this approach
by comparing its results to those obtained using the scalar order
parameter for a variety of liquid crystalline assemblies sourced from
molecular-dynamics simulations. We also discuss several benefits of
the TADA algorithm over existing approaches for identifying topological
defects in liquid crystalline materials.