Purpose: To produce an organic solvent tolerant extracellular lipase from a traditional yoghurt Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate and to characterize this enzyme activity. Material and Methods: A traditional yoghurt sample collected from a farm (Sivas-Turkey) was diluted and mixed with de Man, Rogosa and Sharp Medium (MRS) and poured into Petri dishes. One hundred colonies were selected and transferred onto MRS agar plates including Tween 80 as a lipase substrate. Only four colonies with lipase activity were incubated in MRS broth for 3 days at 37 o C and the extracellular proteins were precipitated with ethanol (95%v/v) from the supernatant. The precipitate with the highest lipase activity was selected for further analysis. Results: The optimum pH and temperature were 7.0 and 37 o C, respectively. While (1 mM) Mn 2+ caused a slight increase (~8%) Hg 2+ or Zn 2+ caused a substantial activity loss (~70%). Organic solvents (5%chloroform or n-butanol, v/v) increased activity ~2.5 fold. Five percent SDS or Triton X-100 increased activity by 8%and 14%, respectively. The enzyme could hydrolyse hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and 2,3-epoxy propyl methacrylate (GMA),retained ~83%of its activity after 1 hour at 37 o C, lost no activity when stored at pH 7.0 and at 4 degree C for 60 days.
Conclusion:The properties of the extracellular yeast lipase was investigated using a number of physiological parameters. The results obtained indicated that it was an organic solvent-and detergent tolerant enzyme having the optimum activity at mild reaction conditions. Key Words: Detergent tolerance, lipase activity, organic solvent tolerance, traditional yoghurt, yeast lipase.
Conflict of interest:The authors do not have a conflict of interest. o C'dir. Mn +2 iyonu enzmi aktivitesini artırırken (%8), Zn +2 and Hg +2 iyonları aktiviteyi azaltmaktadır (~%70). %5 kloroform ve n-butanol varlığında enzim aktivitesinde ~2.5 kat artış gözlendi. Enzim aynı zamanda SDS (%108 relativ aktivite) ve Triton X-100 (%114 relativ aktivite) gibi deterjanlarda kararlılığını korudu. Enzim, hidroksietil metakrilat (HEMA) ve 2,3-epoksi propil metakrilatı (GMA) da substrat olarak kullandı. Enzim bir saat süreyle, 37 o C'de bekletildiğinde, aktivitesini %83'ün üzerinde koruduğu gözlendi. Enzim pH 7.0 fosfat tamponunda 60 gün boyunca aktivitesini kaybetmeden buzdolabında saklanabildi. Sonuç: Eksrtraselüler maya lipazının özellikleri farklı fizyolojik parametreler kullanılarak incelendi. Elde edilen bulgulara göre bu enzim ılımlı tepkime koşullarında çalışan organik çözücü ve deterjan tolerant enzimdir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Deterjan tolerant, geleneksel yoğurt, lipaz aktivitesi, organik solvent tolerans, maya lipazı. Çıkar çatışması: Yazarlarların çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.