The pH dependence of adsorption of no-carrier-added "'Sb(V) ions from a 0.25 mol dm" 3 LiCl aqueous solution ontoCr 2 0 3 , α-Al,0 3 , γ-Fe,Ο,, Fe 3 0 4 , CoFe 2 0 4 , NiFe 2 Ο,, and a-FeOOH powders as well as respective adsorption kinetics was studied. The 119 Sb (V) ions were adsorbed by the adsorbents only in the acid pH range. The adsorption proceeded with kinetics measurable by a conventional radioanalytical technique and increased with elevation of temperature. The adsorption kinetics of 119 Sb(V) ions are found to obey rate formulae with different characteristics depending on the adsorbents. Emission Mössbauer spectra of 119 Sb (V) in the frozen solution revealed that the 119 Sb(V) ions are coordinated only by oxygen atoms. In electrophoresis, most of the 119 Sb(V) ions migrated toward the anode. These observations suggest that anionic species of 1I9 Sb(V) ions are involved in the adsorption.