If a reaction with mole changes takes place isothermally in a porous catalyst, intrapellet concentration and pressure gradients can develop and mass transfer will occur by simultaneous diffusion and flow. A very useful equation for describing simuItaneous diffusion and flow in porous media is the one representing the extended dusty-gas model. It was derived by Mason et al. (1967) and independently by Gunn and King (1969). The equation contains three constants Co, C1, and Cz which characterize the porous medium and must be determined experimentally. Abed and Rinker (1973) have derived and solved numerically the equations for intrapellet pressure and composition profiles for a zero-order reaction in a porous catalyst. Since their derivation was based on the extended dusty-gas model, it is valid for all transport regimes, namely, the Knudsen, transition, and the molecular regimes. Otani et al. (1965) have also derived and solved equations for the intrapellet pressure and composition profiles in all transport regimes for a first-order reaction with mole changes. They did this by extending the validity of the simple capillary model to include porous catalysts by applying it in conjunction with the random-pore model.The main purpose of the present paper is to extend the work reported by Abed and Rinker (1973) to a consideration of first-and higher-order reactions. By following their same procedure in deriving the equations for a zero-order reaction, a set of general equations for an nth-order reaction can be obtained. To avoid redundancy, only the final results of the derivation are presented in this paper.
THEORYThe case under consideration in this work is an irreversible reaction of nth-order and is given stoichiometrically byThe mole-fraction derivative for species A in dimensionless form is given by A + eB (1) dY where Y K , e, a, are dimensionless parameters; 6 is the dimensionless flux; 5' is the dimensionless pressure; and Q is given by Equation (3) :where W is given byand V is given byThe derivative of the pressure in dimensionless form is given byFinally, the continuity equation for species A in dimensionless form is as follows:The boundary conditions for Equations ( 2 ) , (6), and (7) are given by Equations (8) and (9) atwhere E is the effectiveness factor.
RESULTS A N D DISCUSSIONThe numerical integration of Equations (Z), (6), and (7) with the boundary conditions (8) and ( fact for n > 1, there is no main parameter that can be held constant while showing the variation of E with OL as can be done with y M for n = O and Y K for n = 1. Figure 1 also shows that when (Y is small the effectiveness factor is independent of CY; and it reaches an asymptotic value that can be calculated byThe merging of curves in Figure 1 to the limit of E = 1 for Y K L 0.1 is simply a limitation of accuracy in plotting. In the molecular region in which CY is large, the effectiveness factor decreases with increasing CY for constant Y K .