A 49-year-old white male was found lying unconscious at home. He had vomited, his mouth was filled with a white foam and a pungent odour filled the room. After emergency treatment blood, urine and stomach contents were screened for drugs after acid and alkaline extraction with subsequent derivatisation and GC-MS analysis. Large quantites of 2,4-dichlorophenoxypropionic acid (dichlorprop, 2,4-DP) were found in all acid extracts. The man died 3 h later in hospital. Body fluids and tissues obtained at autopsy were analysed for 2,4-DP by high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. The concentrations of 2,4-DP in cardiac blood, stomach contents, bile, liver, spleen, kidney and brain found by both methods were very similar.