In this paper, the mathematical model of distribution of the injected compound in biological liquid°ow has been described. It is considered that biological liquid contains a few phases such as water, peptides and cells. The injected compound (for example, photosensitizer) can interact with peptides and cells. At the time, viscosity of the biological liquid depends on pathology present in organism. The obtained distribution of the compound connects on changes of its°uorescence spectra which are registered during°uorescent diagnostics of tumors. It is obtained that the curves do not have monotonic nature. There is a sharp curves decline in the¯rst few seconds after injection. Intensivity of curves rises after decreasing. It is especially pronounced for wavelength 590 nm and 580 nm (near the \transparency window" of biological tissues). Time of in-°e ction point shifts from 8.4 s to 6.9 s for longer wavelength. However, di®erence between curves is little for di®erent viscosity means of the biological liquid. Thus, additional pathology present in organism does not impact to the results of in vivo biomedical investigations.