The heterogeneous interaction of isoprene with TiO 2 surfaces was studied under dark and UV light irradiation conditions. The experiments were conducted at room temperature, using zero air as bath gas, in a flow reactor coupled with a SIFT-MS (selected-ion flow-tube mass spectrometer) and a FTIR spectrometer for the gas-phase monitoring of reactants and products. The steady-state uptake coefficient and the yields of the products formed were measured as a function of TiO 2 mass (9-120 mg), light intensity (37-112 W m −2 ), isoprene concentration (36-12000 ppb), and relative humidity (0.01-90% of RH). Under dark and dry conditions, isoprene was efficiently and reversibly adsorbed on TiO 2 . In contrast, under humid conditions, isoprene uptake was diminished, pointing to competitive adsorption with water molecules. In the presence of UV light irradiation, isoprene reacted on the surface of TiO 2 . The reactive steady-state uptake coefficient, γ ss , was independent of RH under most ambient relative humidity conditions (>50%). However, γ ss was strongly dependent on isoprene initial concentration according to the empirical expression: γ ss = (2.0 × 10 −4 ) × [isoprene] −n 0 with n = 0.35 and 0.28 for 37 and 112 W m −2 irradiation conditions, respectively. In addition to the kinetics, a detailed product study was performed. The gas-phase oxidation products were mostly CO 2 (ca. 90% of the carbon mass balance) and a large variety of carbonyl compounds (methyl vinyl ketone, acetone, methacrolein, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propanal, traces of butanal, and pentanal), the distribution of which was investigated as a function of mineral oxide mass, isoprene concentration, and RH. Furthermore, the surface-adsorbed products were determined employing off-line HPLC chromatography; their concentrations were inversely dependent on Preparation of TiO 2 Samples. TiO 2 powder (Degussa, Aeroxide-P25) was used as purchased. The fractional content of anatase versus rutile has been determined in the literature to be ca. 85:15 [22]. Its specific surface area (SSA) was determined using a custom-built gas sorption analyzer (52 ± 6 m 2 g −1 ) and was in excellent agreement with that given by the supplier (50 ± 15 m 2 g −1 ). The mass of each sample was weighed before and after the photocatalytic experiments with a high accuracy mass balance (±0.1 mg), and the difference between the two measurements never exceeded 5% for masses above 30 mg. Nevertheless, at masses below