Play is an inherent and indispensable activity for child development that can be used with intention and quality in pedagogical action. The objective is to develop a narrative review of the literature on play in school physical education in early childhood education. Studies with different theoretical-epistemological approaches were used. The issues more latent was: (1) The manifestation of play in play enables the playful culture of those who allow themselves to play; (2) The importance of play as an educational practice that considers children as actors in the multiple dimensions of human expressiveness; and (3) The contributions of the physical education teacher to play in early childhood education. There are different childhoods and different social determinants that positively or negatively impact play. Reduced opportunities to experience play can be detrimental to the child. The curriculum component of physical education can be an important tool for promoting play in early childhood education. By emphasizing the importance of play for the full development of children, it is considered a privileged subject in physical education about the different ways of moving with spontaneity, creativity, meaning and significance.