Ayurveda has holistic and scientific approach in health management. So it equally emphasises over Aushadhi and Pathya-Apathya to overcome the disease with a better approach. Pathya literally means a way or channel, defined as the substance or regime which does not adversely affect the body and mind, and those which adversely affect them are considered to be apathya. ‘Rasasastra’ is the branch of Ayurveda which describes the use of metals, minerals, and poisons with their actions to combat chronic and complicated diseases. As these Rasa drugs are toxic, therefore passes through extensive processing before they are declared fit for internal use. These preparations are sustaining themselves since centuries in clinical use. Even though these drugs are in assimilable forms, there should be suitable vehicles for its absorption. Specific Pathyapathya ahara viharas are mentioned for specific rasaushadhis in the Rasa classic. These specificity for selection of Aharas and Viharas as Pathya (wholesome) or Apathya (unwholesome) mainly depends on the properties of drugs which are used as Pathya and also the drug which are used as medicine. Drugs can show their efficacy only if administered in appropriate quantity with appropriate combination of drugs and foods and at appropriate time and by following proper regime as they help for proper absorption of drug, reduces its adverse effects, and to increase its bioavailability etc. So there is importance of Pathya and apathya during drug administration. The present work aims to collect information on pathya apathy mention during administration of various rasa dravyas and Rasaushadhis from classical texts.