Évaluer les impacts des recherches en agriculture sur la société : outils, méthodes, études de cas. Mots clés : innovation collective / renforcement de capacité / situation d'apprentissage / recherche agricole / CIRAD Abstract -Understanding the contribution of research to collective innovation through the exploration of capacity development mechanisms. Capacity development for innovation is emerging as a new way to ensure sustainable development in developing countries. In the agricultural sector, innovation is essentially collective, which calls on researchers to step out of their role as producers of knowledge in order to engage with innovating actors. While a diversity of engaged research practices has emerged, there is not yet a clear understanding of the different ways in which researchers contribute to innovation. The aim of this paper is to identify the types of contribution of researchers to capacitydevelopment for innovation. To this end, the authors have developed an ex post analytical framework that puts into perspective two corpus of literature: on learning and management of innovation. This framework makes it possible to characterize sequences of learning situations and a variety of postures of researchers at different stages of innovation in order to account for their contributions. Based on an in-depth study of thirteen innovation cases in which the French Agricultural Centre for International Development (CIRAD) was engaged with its Southern research partners, four types of contribution of researchers to capacity development to innovate have been identified: to facilitate learning in an unsupervised way; to plan and manage learning processes; to create and respond to learning needs step by step; to be guided by the exploration and needs of end-users. Our results suggest that strategic management of innovation processes by research organizations could be made possible by the monitoring and evaluation of learning situations, on the one hand to strengthen researchers' capacity to innovate, and on the other hand, to better coordinate the skills and resources available, to change the mandates of researchers and to rationalize their investments.