“…An inductive approach was used during the analysis, which means that the researcher let the themes emerge from the data instead of using theoretical codes identified a priori. A detailed description of the health definition and health practice dimensions is reported in Levesque (2011). The identified health definition dimensions included: (a) negative health , defined as the absence of illness, disability, and pain (e.g., “You know when you’re healthy when you don’t have indicators of un-healthiness, so that would be symptoms of disease, pain, wheezing.”); (b) functionality , described as one’s ability to function in one’s daily life (e.g., “Because he can do all of his regular life things, I would consider him healthy even though he’s in a wheelchair.”); (c) wellbeing , meaning that being healthy involves a general sense of wellness (e.g., “Wellness is beyond not being ill. It’s one step beyond where you actually have an exuberance of health.”); (d) developmental health , which reflects a view of health as a continuous process toward better health as opposed to a static, achievable end state (e.g., “I don’t think there’s an end-goal in being healthy .…”