Excited states in the neutron-rich 70 Fe nucleus were populated in a one-proton removal reaction from 71 Co projectiles at 87 MeV/nucleon. A new transition was observed with the γ-ray tracking array GRETINA and shown to feed the previously assigned 4 + 1 state. In comparison to reaction theory calculations with shell-model spectroscopic factors, it is argued that the new γ ray possibly originates from the 6 + 1 state. It is further shown that the Doppler-reconstructed γ-ray spectra are sensitive to the very different lifetimes of the 2 + and 4 + states, enabling their approximate measurement. The emerging structure of 70 Fe is discussed in comparison to LNPS-new large-scale shell-model calculations.A goal of nuclear science is to achieve an understanding of nuclei and their properties rooted in the fundamental nucleon-nucleon interactions, while demonstrating predictive power for the shortest-lived species located at the fringes of the nuclear chart. In the quest to extrapolate knowledge to the most neutron-rich systems, including those that may remain beyond experimental reach, much can be learned from nuclei with large neutron excess that clearly display the effects of structural evolution away from the valley of stability. Observables measured for such nuclei provide important extrapolation points toward unknown regions and their successful modeling offers critical benchmarks for theory. Specifically, the complex interplay between single-particle and collective degrees of freedom in the nuclear many-body system provides unique and interesting experimental and theoretical challenges.Neutron-rich 70 Fe is such a nucleus where singleparticle structure is impacted by shell evolution, driven by the spin-isospin parts of the nucleon-nucleon force, and where significant quadrupole collectivity develops. In fact, 70 Fe is said to be part of the N = 40 island of inversion [1,2] where the neutron-rich Fe and Cr nuclei around N = 40 become the most deformed in the region. This is thought to be caused by the strong quadrupolequadrupole interaction producing a shape transition in which highly correlated, many-particle-many-hole configurations become more bound than the normal-order (spherical) ones [1]. Such islands of inversion are characterized by rapid structural changes and shape coexistence [2,3], providing insight into nuclear structure physics far from stability [4]. 70 Fe has 12 neutrons more than the heaviest stable iron isotope, while the heaviest one discovered to date is 76 Fe [5], a nucleus predicted to display collectivity and shape coexistence [2] just two protons below 78 Ni. Indeed, within the iron isotopic chain, 70 Fe is located on the path between the N = 40 and N = 50 islands of inversion [2], with the latter remaining a challenge for next-generation rare-isotope facilities presently under construction. 70 Fe has also been used as a seed nucleus in r-process calculations and associated sensitivity studies [6,7]. Spectroscopic information on 70 Fe, limited to the identification of two states, the first...