The paper focuses on representing and evaluating planar mechanisms designed using graph grammars. Graph grammars have been used to represent planar mechanisms but there are disadvantages in the methods presently available. This is due to the lack of information in understanding the details of a mechanism represented by the graph since the graphs do not include information about the type of joints and components such as revolute links, prismatic blocks, gears and cams. In order to overcome the drawbacks in the existing methods, a novel representation scheme has been developed. In this method, the authors represent a variety of mechanism types by the use of labels and x, y position information in the nodes. A set of sixteen grammar rules that construct different mechanisms from the basic seed is developed, which implicitly represents a tree of candidate solutions. The scheme is tested to determine its capability in capturing the entire set of feasible planar mechanisms of one degree of freedom. In addition to the representation, another important consideration is the need for an accurate and generalized evaluator for kinematic analysis of the mechanism which, given the lack of information, may not be possible with current design automation schemes. The graph grammar based analysis module is implemented in an existing objectoriented grammar framework and the results have found this to be superior to existing commercial packages.
Introduction -An OverviewThe process of designing planar mechanisms usually begins with a clear sense of the mechanisms function which may be in the form of path through space [1]. Cognition of this process is complex since there are a number of variables involved. The typical design process involves 664 P. Radhakrishnan and M.I. Campbell choosing a standard mechanism, customizing the mechanism by adding links, determining kinematic properties using analysis tools and then iterating to determine if the mechanism is able to satisfy the user requirements. In the process, the designer also determines the degrees of freedom, F, using Gruebler's criterion [2], which states where n is the number of links, j 1 refers to number of one degree-offreedom joints (like pivots and sliding blocks) and j 2 refers to the number of two degree-of-freedom joints (like a pin-in-a-slot) in the mechanism. Since most mechanisms have only a single-degree-of-freedom (F = 1) and are comprised of links and joints, the equation (shown above) is compelling as it easily describes what is, and what is not a valid solution. Other than fairly simple geometry methods like three-position synthesis and its higher-order variations, there are no specific guidelines for the design of a mechanism -just this single equation. As a result the design process is time consuming and iterative. This paper attempts a systematic approach of designing planar mechanisms that augments the traditional mechanism design process.The steps involved in the research is presented in Figure 1 which begins with the development of a new graph scheme for r...