The need for remote-handled low-level waste (LLW) disposal capability has been identified. A new onsite, remote-handled LLW disposal facility has been identified as the highest ranked alternative for providing continued, uninterrupted remote-handled LLW disposal capability for remote-handled LLW that is generated as part of the nuclear mission of the Idaho National Laboratory and from spent nuclear fuel processing activities at the Naval Reactors Facility. Historically, this type of waste has been disposed of at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex. Disposal of remote-handled LLW in concrete disposal vaults at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex will continue until the facility is full or until it must be closed in preparation for final remediation of the Subsurface Disposal Area (approximately at the end of Fiscal Year 2017). This document supports the conceptual design for the proposed remotehandled LLW disposal facility by providing an initial nuclear facility hazard categorization and by identifying potential hazards for processes associated with onsite handling and disposal of remote-handled LLW. NOTE: This document analyzes the hazards for processes associated with onsite handling and disposal of remote-handled low-level waste. A new on-site facility has been identified as an alternative for providing continued remote-handled low-level waste disposal capability in support of ongoing Department of Energy missions at the Idaho site. However, a decision has not been made by the Department of Energy to develop a new onsite disposal facility. The decision, following all required analyses and evaluation of the impacts of all viable alternatives, will be made in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Use of words indicating requirements or specifying intention, such as "shall" or "will," are used for the convenience of discussion or to indicate requirements or activities that are conditioned on a decision to develop a new onsite disposal facility. Such usage should not be construed to mean that a final selection of an alternative has been made.