The purpose of this study is to develop a composite platform for knowledge extractions, visualizations, and inference. Generally, the big data sets were frequently used in the healthcare and medical area. To help the knowledge managers/users working in the field, this study is focused on knowledge management (KM) based onData Mining (DM), Knowledge Distribution Map (KDM), Decision Tree (DT), RDBMS, and SQL-inference. The proposed mechanism is composed of five key processes. Firstly, in Knowledge Parsing, it extractslogical rules from a big data set by using DM technology. Then it transforms the rules into RDB tables. Secondly, through Knowledge Maintenance, it refinesand manages the knowledge to be ready for the computing of knowledge distributions. Thirdly, in Knowledge Distribution process, we can see the knowledge distributions by using theDT mechanism.Fourthly, in Knowledge Hierarchy, the platform shows the hierarchy of the knowledge. Finally, inInference, it deduce the conclusions by using the given facts and data.This approach presents the advantages of diversity in knowledge representations and inference to improve the quality of computer-based medical diagnosis.