CAD systems have undergone enormous progress. They are becoming more and more intelligent and automated. But mechanical products are also more and more complex. which makes their management more delicate, and especially the management of associations and the propagation of changes affecting one of the components in systems designed using Computer-Aided Design software’s. Therefore, to propagate this change easily, it is important to predict the Change Propagation Path. In this context, this paper focus on a mothed based on establishing correspondences between the assembly Components features to facilitate the associations reconciliation and then change propagation. Thanks to this method, by specifying the affected features in one component, it is easy to predict which other features (in other assembly parts) are likely to be affected too. To this end, the authors proposed an Association Reconciliation Algorithm as well as a Correspondences Algorithm which are mainly based on the assembly mates, the topological and geometrical relationships existing between components. The results of those algorithms will be used later one to determine the change propagation paths and the change propagation tree.