The Lunar Crater volcanic field (LCVF) in central Nevada (USA) is domi nated by monogenetic mafic volcanoes spanning the late Miocene to Pleisto cene. There are as many as 161 volcanoes (there is some uncertainty due to erosion and burial of older centers); the volumes of individual eruptions were typically ~0.1 km 3 and smaller. The volcanic field is underlain by a seismically slow asthenospheric domain that likely reflects compositional variability rela tive to surrounding material, such as relatively higher abundances of hydrous phases. Although we do not speculate about why the domain is in its cur rent location, its presence likely explains the unusual location of the LCVF within the interior of the Basin and Range Province. Volcanism in the LCVF occurred in 4 magmatic episodes, based upon geochemistry and ages of 35 eruptive units: episode 1 between ca. 6 and 5 Ma, episode 2 from ca. 4.7 to 3 Ma, episode 3 between ca. 1.1 and 0.4 Ma, and episode 4, ca. 300 to 35 ka. Each successive episode shifted northward but partly overlapped the area of its predecessor. Compositions of the eruptive products include basalts, teph rites, basanites, and trachybasalts, with very minor volumes of trachyandesite and trachyte (episode 2 only). Geochemical and petrologic data indicate that magmas originated in asthenospheric mantle throughout the lifetime of the volcanic field, but that the products of the episodes were derived from unique source types and therefore reflect upper mantle compositional variability on spatial scales of tens of kilometers. All analyzed products of the volcanic field have characteristics consistent with small degrees of partial melting of ocean island basalt sources, with additional variability related to subductionrelated enrichment processes in the mantle, including contributions from recycled ocean crust (HIMU source; highµ, where µ = 238 U/ 204 Pb) and from hydrous flu ids derived from subducted oceanic crust (enriched mantle, EM source). Geo chemical evidence indicates subtle source heterogeneity at scales of hundreds of meters to kilometers within each episodescale area of activity, and tempo rary ponding of magmas near the crustmantle boundary. Episode 1 magmas may have assimilated Paleozoic carbonate rocks, but the other episodes had little if any chemical interaction with the crust. Thermodynamic modeling and the presence of amphibole support dissolved water contents to ~5-7 wt% in some of the erupted magmas. The LCVF exhibits clustering in the form of overlapping and colocated monogenetic volcanoes that were separated by variable amounts of time to as much as several hundred thousand years, but without sustained crustal reservoirs between the episodes. The persistence of clusters through different episodes and their association with fault zones are consistent with shearassisted mobilization of magmas ponded near the crustmantle boundary, as crustal faults and underlying ductile deformation persist for hundreds of thousands of years or more (longer than individual episodes). Volcanoes were ...