The article provides a classification of factors affecting the efficiency of the DVRE system in operating conditions in mountain quarries. A detailed classification of factors affecting the reliability of mining heavy-duty dump trucks operating in mining quarries for such groups of features as design, technological, operational and road-climatic is provided. In addition, the article provides a classification of factors based on controllability. To assess the influence of the stochastic nature of external influences that determine the dynamics of the interaction of the vehicle with the roadway, rational methods based on probability theory are substantiated. Three of them are recommended for an adequate assessment of the influence of external influences on the output indicators of a career heavy-duty dump truck, in particular for evaluating the process of interaction of a vehicle with a roadbed, which is probabilistic in nature. Among the recommended estimation methods are included such as the method of approximating the external load with a periodic function such as a sinusoid with certain values of the amplitude and period of oscillation, the method of expanding the periodic function in Fourier series and the probabilistic-statistical method, which is based on taking into account the action of many random factors characterized by a stable frequency.