“…The design of the study, whilst not allowing any generalisation of the findings to be made due to sample size, a lack of control group, and a sole reliance on self-reported quantitative measures, is still congruent with existing research on effective interventions with adults who self-neglect through hoarding (e.g. Black and Osman, 2005;Braye et al, 2011aBraye et al, , b, 2014Braye et al, , 2015Brown and Pain, 2014;Cermele et al, 2001;Day et al, 2012;Lauder et al, 2005) and provides an early indication of a successful way of working. Brown and Pain (2014, p. 214) note "there are many difficulties in coordinating a tailored and personalised response amongst multiple agencies" when responding to the needs of adults who hoard.…”