Аннотация. Для оценки влияния различных факторов на © Сетевое издание «Нефтегазовое дело». 2018. №4 http://ogbus.ru consumption, elevation point, system mistakes, periodic perturbing effects of pressure measurements within the measurements accuracy of sensors and algorithms of prior information handling. The analytical definition of inaccuracy of the leakage parameter recovery was received and special aspects of algorithm convergence were analyzed. We determined the existence of the minimum time interval necessary for starting the identification based on this method and the existence of limits of anticipated accuracy of identified parameters. Some tests allowing getting the solution of some inverse problems in analytical form are given below. Distinctive features of the given tests involve the opportunity to receive analytic expressions of inaccuracy of simultaneous recovery of some (more than two) parameters of the runoff or leakage. Ключевые слова: аналитическое решение, обратная задача, параметры утечки, целевая функция, метод наименьших квадратов, минимум функционала, метод функций чувствительности, идентификация, итерационный процесс, сходимость, тестирование.