A new species of the family Liparidae, fulvous snailfish Careproctus fulvus sp. n., is described from the Novaya Zemlya Depression of the Kara Sea at a depth between 190 and 414 m. The species belongs to the group of slit eyed Careproctus (longitudinally oval pupil, elongated lower lobe of the pectoral fin, and large urogenital papilla). The representatives of the species are characterized by fulvous coloration with orange spots, deep body, small teeth, and three radials in the pectoral girdle. The eggs are deposited into glass sponges Schaudinnia rosea (Rossellidae). Valvatophilia (commensalism with bivalves) and carcinophilia (reproductive commensalism with crab like decapod crustaceans of the family Lithodidae) have been registered in the fam ily Liparidae before, but spongiophilia are described for the first time. Egg deposition into glass sponges (Ros sellidae) is known also for cod icefishes (Nototheniidae) from Antarctic waters. Reproductive commensalism between the representatives of the family Liparidae in the Arctic, the species of the family Nototheniidae in the Antarctic, and glass sponges represents a new finding of bionomic bipolarity (independent appearance of similar adaptations in unrelated groups of fishes in two polar regions of the earth). Based on the ecologo etho logical classification of fish reproduction, brood hiding Careproctus species belong to ostracophils, a group of fishes deposited the eggs into live animals.