The fine coefficient is one of the physical properties of the fine aggregate. The fineness modulus (FM) is obtained by adding the total percentage of sand retained on each sieve and dividing by 100. The fineness factor varies depending on the resources available. Sand is widely used in construction. Due to excessive use, the supply of sand is decreasing day by day, is it necessary to find an alternative material for sand in the future? And on the other hand, the amount of construction and demolition waste is increasing every day and is still underutilized, and this is the main focus of research on the use of C and D waste mortar material in conventional construction. To analyse the waste mortar material, a material sample is collected from the site and the physical properties of the sand are checked and compared with the standard zones of sand according to the compressive strength IS using C and D waste mortar mixture in a ratio of 1:3 Casting. The 7.06 cm cube size is compared to 3-day and 7-day strength.