The development of reliable models for the assessment of the shear behaviour due to seismic action is still an open issue for reinforced concrete elements with hollow circular cross section, despite their widespread use worldwide, especially for bridge piers. Very few experimental studies from literature were focused on shear-critical hollow circular piers. Furthermore, no reliable and widely validated degrading shear strength models can be found in literature or seismic codes dedicated to this structural typology, despite the significant differences with respect to solid sections, both in terms of resisting mechanisms and cyclic degradation phenomena. This study aims contributing to the investigation about the shear strength of reinforced concrete members with hollow circular cross section, starting from the analysis of the lonely specific degrading model proposed in literature. New equations are proposed for concrete, transverse reinforcement and axial load contributions to shear strength and for shear strength degradation due to increasing cyclic ductility demand. The proposed model is validated by means of a proper collected experimental database of tests carried out in the literature. Numerical-versus-experimental comparisons show very good results in terms of prediction capacity of both maximum (not-degraded) and degraded (due to cyclic ductility demand) shear strength.