Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V), a liver-synthesized apolipoprotein discovered in 2001, strongly modulates fasting plasma triglycerides (TG). Little is reported on the effect of apoA-V on postprandial plasma TG, an independent predictor for atherosclerosis. Overexpressing apoA-V in mice suppresses postprandial TG, but mechanisms focus on increased lipolysis or clearance of remnant particles. Unknown is whether apoA-V suppresses the absorption of dietary lipids by the gut. This study examines how apoA-V deficiency affects the steady-state absorption and lymphatic transport of dietary lipids in chow-fed mice. Using apoA-V knockout (KO, n ϭ 8) and wild-type (WT, n ϭ 8) lymph fistula mice, we analyzed the uptake and lymphatic transport of lipids during a continuous infusion of an emulsion containing [ 3 H]triolein and [14 C]cholesterol. ApoA-V KO mice showed a twofold increase in 3 H (P Ͻ 0.001) and a threefold increase in 14 C (P Ͻ 0.001) transport into the lymph compared with WT. The increased lymphatic transport was accompanied by a twofold reduction (P Ͻ 0.05) in mucosal 3 H, suggesting that apoA-V KO mice more rapidly secreted [3 H]TG out of the mucosa into the lymph. ApoA-V KO mice also produced chylomicrons more rapidly than WT (P Ͻ 0.05), as measured by the transit time of [ 14 C]oleic acid from the intestinal lumen to lymph. Interestingly, apoA-V KO mice produced a steadily increasing number of chylomicron particles over time, as measured by lymphatic apoB output. The data suggest that apoA-V suppresses the production of chylomicrons, playing a previously unknown role in lipid metabolism that may contribute to the postprandial hypertriglyceridemia associated with apoA-V deficiency. absorption; intestine AFTER DIETARY FAT INTAKE, the increase of plasma triglycerides (TG) is a normal metabolic consequence characterized by a transient accumulation of TG-rich lipoproteins comprised of intestinally derived chylomicrons and liver-derived very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Hydrolysis of their TG cores releases free fatty acids to be taken up by muscle and adipose tissues, generating remnant particles that are efficiently removed from the circulation by the liver. Aberrations in lipoprotein metabolism result in elevated plasma TG and a prolonged accumulation of remnant particles that are atherogenic (16,76,24) and constitute a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (51,43).Apolipoproteins play crucial roles in the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism by acting as structural proteins, as cofactors for enzymes involved in lipolysis, or as ligands for receptor-mediated clearance of lipoproteins (35). Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) was discovered in 2001 to be expressed exclusively in the liver and located ϳ30 kb proximal to the APOAI/ CIII/AIV gene cluster (49, 69), a region well-known for regulating lipid metabolism (19). Early studies using genetically engineered mouse models revealed apoA-V to be a potent modulator of plasma TG. Knocking out apoA-V in mice resulted in a fourfold increase in plasma TG while overexp...