layers. [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] This has allowed the demo nstration of polarized polymer light emitting diodes (LEDs), [7,12,19] highly polarized microcavity emission sources, [20] enhanced thin film optical gain media and microcavity lasers, [21][22][23] and opti mized charge carrier transport, including within field effect transistor (FET) device structures. [24][25][26] Rubbed alignment layers have, how ever, several potential drawbacks in rela tion to the resulting surface roughness, the presence of debris and electrostatic charges, and a limited ability to spatially pattern the subsequent liquid crystal orientation. Transfer printing can allow directional/local placement of oriented films but this approach is not conducive to straightforward fabrication. [27] Noncon tact photoalignment provides a different approach and a variety of polymeric and crosslinkable alignment layer materials have been used to align LCCPs and related oligomers for LED and FET applications. [28][29][30][31][32] For example, polarized electrolu minescence was demonstrated by Sainova et al., [29] albeit with relatively modest efficiency (≤0.1 cd A −1 ) and at relatively high drive voltage (≥10 V), additionally requiring doping of the alignment layer with a significant fraction of a hole transport
The use of a noncontact photoalignment method to fabricate in-plane optical structures, defined by the local uniaxial ordering of liquid crystalline conjugated polymer chains, is reported. Molecular orientation is demonstrated for both green-light-emitting fluorene-benzothiadiazole alternating copolymer F8BT and F8BT/red light emitting complex copolymer Red-F binary blendfilms deposited on a well-known azobenzene sulphonic dye photoalignment material SD1. Absorption anisotropy ratios of up to 9.7 are readily achieved for 150 nm thickness F8BT films. Spatial pattern definition, afforded by masking the UV polarized light exposure of the photoalignment layer, allows the fabrication of optical structures with a resolution down to the micron scale. The alignment process is further extended to enable the serial, independent orientation of films deposited on top of each other and to permit the molecular orientation to follow curvilinear patterns. In the former case, this allows F8BT bilayer structures to be fabricated that show even higher absorption anisotropy ratios, up to ≈12, close to the theoretical limit for the previously deduced ≈22° optical transition dipole moment angle relative to the chain axis.