JANKOVÁ MARTINA, NOVOTNÁ VERONIKA, VARYŠOVÁ TEREZA: Functions of several variables analysis applied in inventory management. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013, LXI, No. 7, pp. 2221-2227 In many cases a retailer is not capable of settling an invoice immediately upon receiving it and is given an option by the supplier to settle the invoice within a defi nite period. The retailer can sell the goods before the deadline, accumulate revenue and earn interest. If the retailer is not able to meet his obligations within the deadline, he is charged an interest. This paper introduces a newly constructed model which enables a retailer to set an optimal price of goods under permissible delay in payments, and to determine the maximum term of payment. The model is based on the assumption of timedependent demand and has been developed for non-deteriorating goods. The paper further analyzes a situation in which the retailer sell all the goods in time, and a situation in which the deadline was not met. Theoretical results are demonstrated by an illustrative example. The authors of the paper used methods of analysis and synthesis, and the method of mathematical analysis (diff erential calculus of multivariable functions, solution of ordinary diff erential equations). The model suggested in the paper can be expanded in the future. One option is generalization of the model, allowing for the lack of goods, bulk discounts, etc.inventory management, EOQ model, non-deteriorating goods, local extremes, multivariable functions Traditional inventory models assume that a retailer pays for the goods the moment they come into inventory. Nowadays, however, it is becoming a common practice that a supplier off ers a retailer the option to pay for the goods with a certain delay. The retailer may, before the end of the period, sell the goods, accumulate revenue and earn interest. If the retailer is not able to meet his obligations by the end of the credit period, he is charged an interest. In other words -a supplier provides a retailer with an interest-free credit for a period set in the contract. This paper introduces a newly designed model which enables a retailer to set an optimal price of goods under permissible delay in payments, and to determine the maximum term of payment.
Aim of the paperThe paper's aim is to set up a mathematical model which enables a retailer to fi x (based on the knowledge of certain parameters) the optimum selling price per an item of goods and to determine the maximum interval during which goods can be sold at a profi t. The model is based on the assumption of time-dependent demand and is developed for non-deteriorating goods. Further assumption is that the inventory is depleted only by demand.The scientifi c aim is to verify if such an optimizing problem can be solved. The authors of the paper used analytic and synthetic methods and the method of mathematical analysis (diff erential calculus of multivariable functions, solution of ordinary diff erential equations).Th...