OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in : http://oatao. In a bidding process, the bidder must define and evaluate potential offers in order to propose the most suitable one to the potential customer. Proposing attractive but also realistic offers to various potential customers is a key factor for the bidder to stay competitive. In order to achieve this, the bidder needs to be very sure about the technical specifications and the constructability of the proposal. However, performing a detailed design is resource and time-consuming. This article proposes the foundation of a new framework which can help bidders to define the right offer: (i) in the context of a non-routine design process, while avoiding a detailed design and (ii) taking into account two new indicators that reflect the bidder's confidence that they can meet the commitments once the offer is accepted. The first indicator (OCS) characterises the Overall Confidence in the technical System, while the second one (OCP) gives the Overall Confidence in the delivery Process. Both OCS and OCP are based firstly on two factual objective indicators, Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for OCS and Activity Feasibility Level (AFL) for OCP, and secondly on two human-based subjective indicators, Confidence In System (CIS) for the OCS and Confidence In Process for the OCP. An illustrative application shows how this framework can really help bidders define an offer, while avoiding detailed design and enable them to evaluate the confidence level in each potential offer.