The geologic-engineering status of the bed of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is evaluated. Mechanical and filtration characteristics of the bed, and also measures taken for its preparation and "therapy" are cited.Keywords: bed of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, forced seismicity, bed deformability and strength, filtration flow rates. In 1962In -1963, the Leningrad Planning, Surveying and Scientific-Research Institute (LPSSRI) conducted surveys to select the site of the future Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (SSHPP) in a section of the Yenisey River Valley with an expanse of approximately 30 km above the settlement of Main. Five sections were in investigated: Mainskii, Kibikskii, Mramornyi, Karlovskii, and Dzhoiskii. In connection with the builders' wishes, it was initially oriented on the Dzhoiskii site where a granite intrusion resides in the bed (much like the bed of the Krasnoyarsk HPP). The Dzhoiskii site was soon eliminated from consideration by reason of two transdepressions in the rock bed (60 -90 m) above and below the site, which were first exposed by a geophysicist, and then confirmed by borings.Of these five construction sections, the most favorable geologic-engineering conditions are encountered at the Karlovskii site, which was also selected for construction of the 242-m-high arch-gravity dam.It must be pointed out that the Sayany expedition organized by the LPSSRI performed a large set of geologic-engineering studies that extended over a period of more than six years. Among other things, the volume of borings amounted to 41 km, 2.5 km of drifts were opened, 4000 filtration tests and 65 geomechanical plate tests were performed, and seismic surveying over 66 km and well logging, as well as other methods of geophysics were conducted. All this made it possible to avoid future "geologic surprises" [1].The section where the site is located falls within the limits of the unified Dzhoisko-Kibiksk structural-tectonic block (STB), which is bounded by the Borusskii and Kandatskii fractures, and is 11 km north of the seismogenic (maximum magnitude of 6) Borussk fracture. The Dzhoisko-Kibikskii block assumes the shape of a "small fish" (with a length of approximately 500 km and maximum width of up to 80 km), and stretches-out from southwest to northeast.Order-II and -III tectonic faults with crushing zones of from 5 to 15 m thick, which are closest to the site, reside in the tail race at a distance of 1.5 -3 km from the site: these are the Karymovskii (order III) and Talovskii (order II) faults. They are clearly expressed in lineaments -counter influxes (streamlets) which flow into the Yenisey River.The rock bed is comprised of Dzhebash series of metamorphic schists of the Proterozoic Era. Paraschists (a product of the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks) reside in the right-bank abutment, and in the beds of the spillway and toe basin. Orthoschists (a product of the metamorphism of effusive rocks) reside in the left-bank abutment and in the bed of the powerhouse. They dip preferentially to the southeast at an angle of 70 -85°. Th...