This note corrects a claim made in the above-mentioned paper about the exact representation of a conditional preference network by means of a possibilistic logic base with partially ordered symbolic weights. We provide a counterexample that shows that the possibilistic logic representation is indeed not always exact. This is the basis of a short discussion on the difficulty of obtaining an exact representation. This note corrects a claim made in [6] about the representation of Conditional Preference networks (CP-nets for short) [1] by means of a possibilistic logic base [2], as well as a similar claim in [7, 8]. A CP-net encodes a set of preference statements concerning the values of Boolean decision variables, conditioned on the values of other Boolean decision variables that influence the former. More formally, let V = {X 1 , • • • , X n } be a set of Boolean variables. We denote by Ast (S) the set of interpretations of variables of S (⊆ V). Definition 1 A CP-net N over V = {X 1 , • • • , X n } is a directed graph with nodes X 1 , • • • , X n , and there is a directed edge from X i to X j if the preference about the value X j depends on the value of X i. Each node X i ∈ V is associated with a conditional preference table CP T i that associates a strict preference (x i > ¬x i or ¬x i > x i