From molecular machines to quantum dots, a wide range of mesoscopic systems can be modeled by periodically driven Markov processes, or stochastic pumps. Currents in the stochastic pumps are delimited by an exact no-go condition called the no-pumping theorem (NPT). The letter presents a unified treatment of all the adaptations of NPT known so far, and further extends it to systems with many species of interacting particles.From the cargo transport to muscle contraction, a multitude of tasks inside our cells are performed by bimolecular complexes called the molecular motors. They have inspired researchers to design artificial molecular complexes capable of controlled directed motion, such as translation along an axle [1] or a DNA origami track [2] and rotation along a molecular ring [3], among others [4][5][6][7][8][9]. Control technique of the artificial molecular machines is fundamentally different from macroscopic machines, because the effects of inertia are negligible and friction and fluctuations play the dominant role in the molecular scale [4]. An effective strategy is to periodically modulate the environment of the system to drive the system out of equilibrium and utilize the relaxation dynamics to generate the desired directed motion. An example is provided by the experiments by Leigh et al. [3] where an average directed rotation was induced in the artificial molecular machine [3]catenane by periodic modulation of temperature, radiation and chemical concentrations.Periodic modulation of external parameters to pump a desired directed current in stochastic systems is called stochastic pumping. Success of this strategy is delimited by an exact condition, called the no-pumping theorem (NPT), which states that both the energy levels and the barriers of the system have to be varied to generate any directed current. Consider, for example, the [2]catenane complex composed of a small molecular ring interlocked with a larger molecular ring, as depicted schematically in Fig. 1(a). The numbers 1, 2, and 3 denote the metastable states of the smaller ring. In Ref.[3] the authors noted that the smaller ring could not be rotated along the larger ring unidirectionally just by the variation of the energies of the metastable states, even with the intuitively appealing strategy depicted in Fig. 1(b). Such unexpected observations have led to a number of recent studies on stochastic pumps [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29].The NPT has been adapted to a number of scenario depending on the nature of the system. Starting with the original formulation for closed single-particle systems [14], it has been generalized to both closed and open many-particle systems [24,29]. A curious feature of the open system NPT is that the particle reservoirs attached to the system need not be in equilibrium with each other at every moment; stochastic pumping will fail if just the time-averaged activities are the same (Eq. 20 below), along with other conditions of NPT [24]. This is in contrast to the us...