Photoperiodism is a day-length-dependent seasonal change of physiological or developmental activities that is widely found in plants and animals. Photoperiodic flowering in plants is regulated by photosensory receptors including the red͞far-red light-receptor phytochromes and the blue͞UV-A light-receptor cryptochromes. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the specific roles of individual photoreceptors have remained poorly understood. Here, we report a study of the day-length-dependent response of cryptochrome 2 (cry2) and phytochrome A (phyA) and their role as day-length sensors in Arabidopsis. The protein abundance of cry2 and phyA showed a diurnal rhythm in plants grown in short-day but not in plants grown in long-day. The short-day-specific diurnal rhythm of cry2 is determined primarily by blue light-dependent cry2 turnover. Consistent with a proposition that cry2 and phyA are the major day-length sensors in Arabidopsis, we show that phyA mediates far-red light promotion of flowering with modes of action similar to that of cry2. Based on these results and a finding that the photoperiodic responsiveness of plants depends on light quality, a model is proposed to explain how individual phytochromes and cryptochromes work together to confer photoperiodic responsiveness in Arabidopsis.P hotoperiodic flowering in plants was the first photoperiodism phenomenon documented (1). The flowering of longday (LD) or short-day (SD) plants occurs or is accelerated in the LD or SD condition, respectively. Arabidopsis is a facultative LD plant for which flowering-time regulation has been extensively studied (2-5). Although the detailed mechanism underlying photoperiodism is not well understood, extensive plant physiological studies support a hypothesis referred to as the external coincidence model (6-8). According to this hypothesis, the light signal must interact at the appropriate time of the day (or ''coincide'') with the photoperiodic response rhythm (PRR) of a cellular activity to confer photoperiodic responsiveness. It has been found that mRNA expression of flowering-time genes in Arabidopsis, including CO, GI, and FT, exhibited circadian rhythms, which have different phase shapes in plants grown in LD compared with plants grown in SD (9-12). Therefore, the day-length-dependent circadian expression of one or more flowering-time genes may represent the PRR.Arabidopsis relies on at least nine photosensory receptors, including five phytochromes (phyA-phyE), two cryptochromes (cry1 and cry2), and two phototropins (phot1 and phot2), to regulate most of its light responses (13-16). Among these photoreceptors, phytochromes and cryptochromes are known to regulate flowering time (5). It has also been found that phyA and cry2 protein abundance is regulated by light (17, 18) and that cry2 expression changes in response to photoperiod (19). These studies indicate that cry2 and phyA may act as major day-length sensors. Indeed, it has been found that the coincidence of light perception by cry2 and phyA with the peak circadian ...