The effects of repeated crush injuries of peripheral nerve remains in poorly understood. In this study, the rats were divided on five groups (control, single crush, double crush on once a week, triple crush on once a week, triple crush on every four weeks) and analyzed to investigate the influence on motor function by repeated nerve crush injuries. Additionally, the muscle fiber diameter and reinnervation of the tibialis anterior muscle were measured and comparisons were made with two groups, single crush group and triple crush group. The five groups had their respective pattern of dysfunction and restoration. The motor function in four groups except the group of triple crush on once a week eventually recovered to normal range. The group of triple crush on once a week was not obtained the full restoration of the motor function. The motor function of double and triple crush groups on once a week were significantly low in comparison with control group and it took longer to obtain the full restoration.In analysis of the muscle, the width of muscle fiber in single crush group was clearly wider and the muscle fiber reinnervation in single crush group was significantly faster than in triple crush group.In the rats with repeated sciatic nerve crush injuries at short intervals before recovering motor function, the function could not recover completely because of delay of the reinnervation and the atrophy of the muscles.